Why Samoa?

A new paradise

Our location sets us apart

Samoa is a paradise. It’s beautiful, tropical, serene and devoid of many of the stresses and distractions of modern western life. But Fa’asamoa, or the Samoan way, is what makes Samoa a true paradise and sets Coral Reef Academy apart from other programs.

Coral Reef Academy Pool
the samoan way

What is Fa'asamoa?

Fa’asamoa is a culture of acceptance, stability, respectfulness, and tradition. By introducing students to the Fa’asamoa and weaving it into every aspect of our program, our team of licensed therapists, educators, and Samoan mentors is able to provide the ideal milieu for maturation and healing.

Fa’samoa contrasts with western culture in ways that are intrinsically therapeutic for young men who have lost their way in the maze of western culture. Some of these contrasts are noted below and, as you’ll see, represent a perfect antidote for our own frenetic and self-absorbed teen culture.

Differences between Western culture and Samoan culture

Our approach

A unique journey

Our licensed clinicians, recreation staff and mentors have broadly structured Coral Reef Academy’s treatment program around the concept of a voyage—which is very much in keeping with current psychosocial research and ancient Samoan culture.

When a young man arrives at Coral Reef Academy his journey starts with traditional ceremony to welcome him to a new culture and a new family. Over the course of the next several days, he works with program staff and his family to map out specific milestones for his journey from arrival in Samoa to his departure. These milestones fall into six categories: Individual, Self-Care, Family, Academics, Cultural Immersion and Community.

The journey is symbolically charted on a wall map of Upolu Island so that he can chart his daily, weekly and monthly progress toward his ultimate goal—Faleolo Airport where he will depart for home after having progressed through the milestones he has helped construct.

Group meeting at Coral Reef Academy
Young boys learning at Coral Reef Academy
Brad testimonial for Coral Reef Academy
“When I landed in Samoa, I really didn’t know what to think. It sure wasn’t LA! At first I missed the fast life But now I can speak Samoan, catch fish, cook meals in an umu, and live without my I-pad; I finally understand how Samoan’s can have so little and be so happy. I want to bring that understanding back to LA.”

Find out if our program is the right solution for your son

We understand that making decisions like this are a big deal and can be very difficult for your family. Let us answer all of your questions.

About us

Coral Reef Academy is a therapeutic boarding school for young boys who may have lost their way. Based in Samoa, our school offers both individual and group therapy led by licensed clinicians.

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